Budgeting 101: What is budget?
(Images obtained from Google, collage created by me) Budgeting 101: Part 1 What is budget? I think when people hear word budget they think RESTRICTION! It is to a certain extent. For a second do this mini mental exercise?..... You can be anywhere right now: Take a look around if you are home what is next to you what is around you, what are the things you truly don’t need to survive or make you happy? You are in your car, what are the things you don’t need in it, but you ended up spending money, or you are at work and you look into your hand bag, what are the things you really don’t need but again you spend money on? We all day to day spend money on things which we didn’t really need, bought due to poor impulse control, and/or that $4 coffee you buy daily 5x week. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY THAT AT TIMES FORCES US TO BUY THINGS WE DON’T NEED TO SHOW FF OR IMPRESS PEOPLE WE DON’T LIKE. ß THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Again, let’s d...